SAVE THE DATE EUSARF Conference: Porto (Portugal), 3rd to 5th October 2018
The 15th International EUSARF Conference will take place in Porto, Portugal. Preparations have already started to make this conference to...
Final program for the conference on Alternative care in Hungary
The Final program for the conference on Alternative Care for Children and Youth in Europe is available for download. The Conference on...
Conference on Quality of Alternative Care for Children and Youth in Europe
It’s my pleasure to invite you to the Conference on Quality of Alternative Care for Children and Youth in Europe, which will take place...

FICE International Federal Council (CF) and Conference with additional professional, Cultural and To
FICE International Federal Council (FC) and the Conference “Child and Youth Care in a Developing World – Global Perspective”, organized...

The Hague, Netherlands 1-4 October, 2017 Multidisciplinary Interagency Approaches to the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse &...
‘I remember… - 2017’
FICE International member NENESZ from Hungary announces a call for ‘I remember… - 2017’ to create memorandums. Theme of the works: -...

“Swiss-Romanian realities-comparative study between ways of working in child young and family welfar
FICE ROMANIA NATIONAL SEMINAR ON THE THEME: “Swiss-Romanian realities-comparative study between ways of working in child young and family...
The exchange week FICE Netherlands en FICE Finland
The exchange week can be described as a pressure-cooker in which participants collect and consume information, energy, understanding,...

Recommended: Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World, Volume 1 & 2
Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World Global Perspectives Tuhinul Islam, PhD and Leon Fulcher, PhD - editors ISBN...

Upcoming conference: Quality of Alternative Care for Children and Youth in Europe: the Past, the Pre
The International FICE regional network FICE Europe and the Directorate General for Social and Child Protection(Szociális és...