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Leaving Care

The leader of this group is Roland Stubi (FICE Switzerland).


The goal is to support the process for social inclusion within the FICE National Sections by establishment and functioning of the “Social Inclusion Standards for residential care services”. Members in this group are representatives from the following FICE National Sections: Bulgaria, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and USA



The International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies (IJCYFS) is a peer reviewed, open access, interdisciplinary, cross-national journal that is committed to scholarly excellence in the field of research about and services for children, youth, families and their communities.


Example o good practice: CENTER FOR EARLY DEVELOPMENT “IMPULS” Daily treatment center for children with severe developmental difficulties at early age and their families


“FICE Srbija” is an active section and member of “FICE International” and “FICE Europa” and “umbrella” organization devoted to the concept of Children rights, equality, inclusion, improvement of quality of life of children who are growing up at different types of risk, and in out of family settings. The example of, according to our opinion, excellent practice, which we would like to share, is a program for work with children with severe developmental disorders at early age (between 0 and 7 years). It is implemented in “FICE Srbija“ greatest member – Center for protection of infants, children and youth Zvecanska 7 (CZODO) in Belgrade, and during its pilot phase it was financed by the Social Service International / Swiss section. This, in Serbia, innovative practice was settled in existing but completely renewed space in (CZODO) which was equipped according to specific service standards. The main idea was prevention of institutionalization and separation children with severe difficulties from their parents. Read more


“Handbook on the Participation of Young People in the Life of the Community” 

– A book published by FICE Bulgaria, with the financial support of the “Old Beech” Foundation in Bulgaria. The book is focused on the right to participation, types of participation, education in active citizenship, good practices to encourage the participation of young people. The Handbook is in Bulgarian language. 




Table of Contents

Articles about inclusion and  exclusion gathered and edited by the Social Forum of DBSH. Published in 2011.


Texte zu Inklusion and Exklusion, zusammengestellt von der Redaktion von Forum Sozial des DBSH. Publiziert 2011 im “Forum Soziale” des DBSH(Deutscher Berufsverband für Soziale Arbeit e.V.)


Read here

Society and public awareness

The National Network for Children  in Bulgaria created “Megaphone” – an environment to build a community of children and youths, clients or volunteers of its member-organizations. With the support of this constantly functioning and open community of children, the NNC is looking for the most suitable ways to cooperate with them. Children consult and participate in the Network activities and the NNC support their ideas and work. – Megaphone Website(in Bulgarian language) ; NNC Website



Project “Inclusion on spot/Inklusion vor Ort/ – The Municipal Index for Inclusion in practice” by Montag Stiftung 

. The Foundation supports three partner municipalities to work with a Practical Handbook and to initiate and help the further development of local processes for inclusion in practice.


BlindSpot is a national funding organization for children and youth with and without disabilities. Blind Spot supports the  inclusion of young people with and without disabilities and helps raising the awareness of the community. Website


NIP(Niederschwelliges Integrationsprojekt)

is a project that supports young people/young adults or families in difficult life situations or with fewer opportunities.


Education and work life

“Graafschap College” is a large regional training center working for the integration of young people with fewer opportunities. The College offers a wide range of vocational courses in the areas of Economics & Services, Technology & Informatics and Healthcare & Welfare.–  Website



The Centre for Inclusive Education (CIE) is a Bulgarian non-governmental organisation, which main aim is to promote inclusive education and make it happen for every child. CIE continues the 10-year work of Save the Children UK in Bulgaria and our region. – Website



Examples of youth parliaments:


Youth Parliament in Germany:

Youth Parliament in Austria:

Youth Parliament in Switzerland:

European Youth Parliament


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