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International ‘Therapeutic Care and Research Conference’ Woo

The International Centre for Therapeutic Care in partnership with FICE Europe Network.

Invites you to the first International ‘Therapeutic Care and Research Conference’,

Woodbrooke Conference Centre, Birmingham

Wednesday 12th- Friday 14th September 2018

The conference will aim to bring together experiential learning and presentations about about therapeutic care and research. The experiential training will be achieved by forming a ‘temporary community’ across the two days, and using the large reflective ‘community’ group to reflect on the group dynamics of the participants as they emerge across the event.

Therapeutic care is defined by the core values of the International Centre (see below), where the aim is to provide ways of working with children and young people that support their authentic emotional growth and learning. We also invite the sharing of research that will deepen insight into residential and foster care.

International Centre core values:

We support and promote:

  • Models of care that are relationship (attachment) based.

  • Models of care that promote ‘living together as a group or family’, where adults, children, and families use the lived experience to create ‘a way of living and learning together.’

  • Models of care that make conscious use of the culture and ethos of the psycho- social and physical environment.

  • Models of care where the culture is influenced by a ‘conscious use of self’ and shared responsibility.

  • Models of care that aim to develop a sense of belonging and promote resilience in children and young people.

  • Models of care that provide high expectations for children and young people, and authentic stability of placement.

Draft programme. Please note that this is a basic draft outline for the event, and it is likely to change as speakers and events are confirmed.


Wednesday 12th:

14.00 Delegates arrival and check in.

15.00 -17.00 FICE Europe meeting

17.00 Large Group reflective meeting:

18.00 – 19.00. FICE Europe meeting continues

19.15: Dinner

Thursday 13th

10- 11 a.m. Registration and Coffee

11- 11.45: Large Group Community meeting: Sharing our arrival; hopes and preoccupations.

11.45 – 12.30: Research presentation 1.

12.30- 1.30: Lunch

1.30- 2.00: UK Therapeutic Service/ Community presentation 2.

2.00 – 2.30: European Therapeutic Service/Community presentation 3.

2.30 – 3.15: Large group reflection/discussion on presentations.

3.15- 3.45: Tea

3.45 – 4. 45: Parallel Experiential Workshops e.g. psychodrama/art therapy workshop/theory practice discussion.

4.45 – 5.30: Large Group plenary: reflecting on our learning and our group dynamics.

5.30. Networking/ social time.

6.00 Evening meal

Friday 14th

9 – 9.45: Large Group community meeting.

10- 10.30: European Research presentation 4.

10.30- 11.00: UK Research presentation 5.

11.00 – 11.45: Large group reflection/discussion on presentations.

11.45 – 12.30: Parallel Experiential Workshops: theory/practice discussion groups

12.30- 1.30: Lunch.

1.30- 2.00: UK Therapeutic Service/Community presentation 6.

2.00- 2.30: European T S/TC presentation 7.

2.30 – 3.15: Final large group plenary – what have we learned, where do we go from here ?

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