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Workshop on Gestalt Therapy & Psychodrama in Hong Kong

Workshop on Gestalt Therapy & Psychodrama

Gestalt therapy is an existential psychotherapy that grows from the recognition of and respect for each person's unique existence in the here and now. The basic method is facilitation of present awareness as it flows through one's experienced reality. Fixed patterns of responses, which block this flow, create problems by holding one in a fantasy of the past and prohibiting aware response to the present moment.

Through the establishment of trust and supportive relationship, a person can be helped to get in touch with unfinished business through the media of art language and symbols. The completion of these unfinished situations and the liberation of the energy bound in them is a major goal of Gestalt work. This goal can only be reached in an atmosphere of support, safety, and respect.

Psychodrama is defined as the method of dialogue and role-reversal, as an active technique of exploring and transforming the inter-personal field. This means that psychodrama can be used along the full spectrum beginning with the autodrama of inner personal drama of the individual struggling in isolation with different aspects of the self in phantasy, over the monodrama in individual therapy with one patient and one therapist, further on with couples, families and groups and all the way to larger groups in sociodramatic endeavour. In all these different settings the psychodramatic method can be used to increase and change the emotional communication between the involved entities.

This workshop provide you with basic Psychodrama and Gestalt tools for counselling and/or therapy in different contexts.

The main objective in this workshop is to replace repetitive counterproductive ways of experiencing the world and reacting to it. This means leaving old patterns, scripts and fantasies. In psychodrama this is defined as the s-factor, the factor of spontaneity, and spontaneity is defined precisely as increased response-flexibility; meaning the individual who has become stuck in destructive patterns needs to learn how to react adaptively to new situational demands. The increase of the “s-factor” is the main goal of these workshops.

Awareness through gestalt and psychodrama exploration is creative, spontaneous and valuable. Awareness allows choice, which expands one’s repertoire in facing problems in life. People who are aware of their life choices are willing to take responsibility for these choices, and thus can move from the role of passive recipient to that of responsible participant in his or her life.

Date: June 9 & 10, 2018 (Saturday and Sunday)

Time: 9:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Saturday & Sunday);

Venue: (To be confirmed).

Successful applicants will be informed individually. (Please dress in comfortable causal wear)

Overall Aim:

- To enhance your understanding of theory & practice of Gestalt Therapy concerning its assumptions, stages of work

- To increase your awareness and personal growth through experiences of psychodrama and Gestalt experiments and awareness work

- Another focus of the workshop is to enhance your personal growth


Dr. Timothy Leung Yuk Ki, Accredited Gestalt Therapy Practitioner, has received extensive training in Gestalt Therapy by Paula Bottome. He has extensive experience in training and leading Gestalt workshops for various target groups. He has conducted training and workshops for HKCSS, HKSWA, RTHK, HA, HKPC, CMAC and many NGOs. Also, he has been invited as trainer for TV documentary programmes on parenting and EQ workshops. This workshop will be supported by Accredited Gestalt Therapy Practitioner from GIST.

Hermann Radler is a Senior Trainer and Founder of the Therapeutic Communities in Austria. His heart belongs to the work with children at risk in Austria and abroad. He is also an experienced counsellor and supervisor for other organizations working with children, especially in the field of youth welfare, residential and therapeutic care and has an individual private practice Vienna, Austria. As well as heading up the Psychodrama Department at Therapeutic Communities he trains all pedagogic staff working in the Therapeutic Communities in Austria as well as the staff at MakeMeSmile, Kenya.

Medium of Instruction: English supplemented with Cantonese

Targets: All helping professionals (including counselors, social workers and nurses) and participants from other fields (business, teachers, etc) who would like to enhance their awareness and know more about Gestalt Therapy and Psychodrama in helping themselves and others.

The quota is limited to 18.

Fees: HK$2,650. The fee will be HK$2,400 for registration before April 18, 2018. For GIST registered members, the fees will be HK$2,300. The fee would cover two lunches.

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