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Seminar with international participation "Strategic and Operative Management in the Social Prot

Seminar with international participation

"Strategic and Operative Management in the Social Protection of the Child. Monitoring,

Assessment, Efficiency "

Bucharest, May 4, 2017, Parliament Palace,

ˮAvram Iancuˮ Hall

Synthesis of the event

Consistent with the mission assumed since the beginning, FICE Romania (International Federation of Educational Communities, Section Romania) has the same interest and the same social, pragmatic and actional involvement in promoting and respecting children's rights in Romania, focusing on their component of special protection. Such an actional measure was represented by the seminar with international participation on the topic "Strategic and Operative Management in the Social Protection of the Child. Monitoring, Assessment, Efficiency", organized by FICE Romania in Bucharest on may 4, 2017, together with one of the constant partners, Association of Directors from DGASPC, AD-DGASPC, in a joint approach to the two main areas targeted at all activities undertaken by the organization, education and social work, proposing in this framework the promotion of viable training models for managers from social services, public and private, aimed at the child social protection, in order to improve public policies, actional practices on child and family protection. The host of the event was also this time the Senate of Romania, through the Committee for European Affairs, whose president is Senator Gabriela Crețu, being also Vice-President of FICE Romania. The scientific manifestation, marked by ideas and practical and social solutions in the social sense, had a high scientific status, ensured both by academic participation and the competition of prestigious professionals in the field of child protection and education, within the country (from the Vaslui, Iasi, Arges, Constanta, Neamt, Alba, Tulcea, Calarasi, Bacau, Vrancea, Arad, Timis, Mures, Maramures, Covasna, Cluj, Ialomita and Bucharest counties) from the central or county and local authorities. The international seminar was attended by approximately 80 specialists in the field of education, social protection and justice, both in the public and private spheres and was moderated by Mr. Ionel Armeanu-Stefanica, the director of DGASPC Vaslui, a well-known personality from the sphere of social services at national level. In the opening of the seminar Prof. Toma Mares, President of FICE Romania, pointed out the necessity of a professional managerial act, based on modern scientific concepts and at the same time on the understanding of the specifics of the protection institutions and the development needs of the child in the special protection system. Deliberate or not, the scientific manifestation has been structured over three major action areas: legislative projections and benchmarks in the field of child protection, the process of deinstitutionalization and procedural and theoretical-applicative aspects of strategic management. A genuine, honest and pertinent radiography of the child protection system in Romania was carried out by Mr. Valerian Sorin Chirila, the director of DGASPC Alba and the president of the Association of Directors, AD-DGASPC. He pointed out both the evolution and the progress in the field of child protection, as well as the "stagnation" experienced in recent years, generated in his opinion, by the inability and disinterest of the state in the continuation of the process of child and family support activities and the lack of an efficient management In the field. Mrs. Adina Codres, representative of the National Authority for the Protection of Child's Rights and Adoption, presented a "history" of the child protection legislation from 1996 to the present, as well as the challenges arising from the monitoring and assessment of the national child protection system. Mr. Hermann Radler, President of FICE International, initiated the discussion and the transfer of know-how in the field of deinstitutionalization through his paper entitled "Pro and against de-institutionalization", which had the courage to present not only the arguments in favour of this practice but also the benefits that some institutions have brought in favour of certain categories of children in difficulty. A continuation of the correct and professional approach to deinstitutionalization was achieved by the work of Mr. Eugen Simion, president of Neamt branch of FICE Romania and representative of DGASPC Neamt, "Management of change in the process of deinstitutionalization". It presents both the stages of deinstitutionalization as a holistic process of taking the child out of a care system based on large institutions and introducing it into a range of integrated family and community based services as well as situations where institutional assistance is recommended and the conditions to be met by these supportive structures. The field of procedural and theoretical-applicative aspects of strategic management was opened by Mr. Ioan Neacsu, professor emeritus of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Bucharest, with the thesis "Strategic Management in School and Child Protection Institutions - Optimization Through SWOT and LISREL methods ".Mr. Calin Dragoi, pedagogue from Germany, presented in the paper "Checklists in case management" the characteristics of an on-line monitoring program, an innovative model used in Germany in the case management process. The work "Strategic Management in Social Assistance", presented by the team consisting of Ms Anamaria Dobrea and Ramona Diaconu and Mr. Ionel Armeanu-Stefanica (DGASPC Vaslui), highlighted the basic features and advantages of strategic management practice, essential aspects that are found and in the work of Maria Madalina Paraschiv (DGASPC Arges), "Strategic Management in Child Protection". "Social audit - a tool for assessing the quality of management in social assistance institutions" presented by Alina Frunza, Irina-Cecilia Ignat and Oana-Cristina Rusu (DGASPC Iasi) highlights both the role of a generic tool of social responsibility Social Audit Concept Management Tool introduced by the Law of Social Assistance no. 292/2011.Discussions and final interventions in the seminar focused on one of the basic principles used to protect the child, the child's best interest, which is in fact out of the child's basic needs. In order to identify and meet these needs, the permanent professionalization of staff is imperative and FICE Romania has assumed this important role by permanently facilitating the participation of specialists in the field of child rights protection and social assistance to training programs in the country and abroad. Equally, the international seminar "Strategic and Operative Management in the Social Protection of the Child. Monitoring, Assessment, Efficiency" has helped to strengthen the relations between state and non-governmental institutions, national and international, with the obvious intention of making collaboration more effective. The event crystallized a series of proposals that will be included in the annual action plan of FICE Romania and will be forwarded to social decision makers as well as to other partners/collaborators from the non-governmental space in the field, in order to germinate factors of influence/modeling of policies In the field of child protection: organization of regular training/information events and dissemination of psychosocial know-how in the form of seminars and conferences; organization of training/improvement sessions for case management and strategic management; exchanges of experience between the counties of the country in order to disseminate the information transmitted in the seminar and to share the positive experiences ;the development of local strategies to help improve the management of each region; analyzing the possibility of introducing the checklist method as an effective tool in case management (possibly in conjunction with the Aurora platform developed by UNICEF);promoting the right to children's participation; development of services to prevent the separation of the child from the family by increasing the day-care network for children, counseling centers, after-school programs, etc.; developing effective programs for supervising / monitoring families at high risk of neglect or abuse of childrenthe development of community childcare services; initial and on-going training of social assistance staf participation of representatives and specialists in strategic and operational management at international events. The realization and success of such a discussion framework aimed at generating positive changes and co-generating joint efforts for a better future for the children of the world would not have been possible without the sustained effort of FICE Romania and AD-DGASPC.FICE Romania strengthens its prestige at national and international level, bringing together academics, professionals in public and private social services, decision-makers at the local and central level, actors with a decisive role in social intervention in the child protection field in Romania, Germany, Israel, Moldova and Austria.

President of FICE ROMANIA

Prof. Toma Mares

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