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FICE Srbija was founded on 2003, supported by FICE International FICE Serbia is one of successors of FICE Yugoslavia.FICE Yugoslavia was very active member of FICE International, during existance of the state.Two FICE International Congresses were held in ex Yougoslavia ,in Ljubljana 1965, and in Banjaluka 1974, as well as in Sarajevo (Bosnia&Herzegovina) 2006., after the civil war in ex-YU Before the constitution of new FICE sections it was founded informal network FICE South East Europe, on 2002. Network was active until 2011. with members: FICE Bosnia and Hertzegovina, FICE Montenegro,FICE Macedonia, FICE Serbia…Slovenia became indenpendent FICE section earlier, on ninetees, Croatia later...

FICE Serbia is organized as an umbrella network with the some important bodies: Assembly of the members, as well as, Main and Supervisory Boards . Assembly as well as governing bodies meet every year and make decisions regarding the activities and directions of the vocational Association of its members.



The vision of »FICE SRBIJA« is:
Better world for children and youth, especially those who are growing up at risk and out of their own families!


The mission of »FICE SRBIJA« is:
Supporting children and families, development of professional competencies employees in the children and families protection field, development of social services and missing programs for children and families in local communities.



• promotion of the goals, mission and vision of FICE SRBIJA networking in the region and at the international level

• organizing trainings, conferences and professional meetings
• representing FICE SRBIJA members at governmental and non – gov. organizations
• supporting reform of the social care system in Serbia.
• projects and programs based at strengthening of professional competencies in the work with children
• publishing
• implementation and adjustment of the examples of good practise in the field of children and youth protection
• focused on supporting membership with programs and activities aimed at preventing mental health and burnout syndrome
• support of the development of civil society by involving citizens in the system of children and families care



President: Zeljka Burgund


Web: https:/ 


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Schopfackerstrasse 15
9043 Trogen

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