FICE Bulgaria realized project "Inclusion without borders"

FICE Bulgaria partnered with the Spanish foundation Koine-Aequalitas to realize the Erasmus + project "Inclusion without borders".
The project aimed to increase the capacity of FICE-Bulgaria for providing high quality adult trainings, in accordance with current social problems.
The specific goals of the project included:
1.Increasing the knowledge, skills and competences of the training staff of FICE-Bulgaria for provision of high quality trainings, in accordance with the needs of the organization’s trainees.
2.Modernizing the professional environment in the organization by incorporating an effective model for quality management of training activities.
3.Improving the foreign language competences of the trainers of FICE-Bulgaria.
4.Improving the internalization strategies of the organization.
From 9 to 15 May 2021 five Bulgarian adult trainers visited Pamplona, Spain and received training on the following two topics:
“Community development and mediation. Social and labor counselling of children and youth from disadvantaged backgrounds”
“Excellence model of the European Fund for Quality Management. Using the Model for quality management of the educational processes”
Additionally, they also had the chance to be part of several intersting visits to social welfare institutions and organizations in Spain in order to gain knowledge about how vulnerable groups in the Spanish society are protected by the social welfare system.
FICE Bulgaria would like to thank Koine-Aequalitas for the excellent organization of the training and the visits, as well as the warm reception of the Bulgarian delegation!