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Call for papers - The 34th FICE International Congress 29 October – 1 November 2019 Tel Aviv, Isra

Call for papers

The 34th FICE International Congress

29 October – 1 November 2019

Tel Aviv, Israel

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 February 2019

Venue: Campus of Ono Academic College

Congress Chair: Professor Emmanuel Grupper

Scientific Committee Chair: Professor Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz

World Congress of FICE - International in Israel 2019

FICE (Fédération Internationale des Communautés Educatives) International is a global network of organizations and professionals in the field of child and youth care and out-of-home care from more than 45 countries. FICE maintains contacts with UNESCO, UNICEF, the Council of Europe and ECOSOC. It is also a member of the UN-NGO-Group on the Rights of the Child and member of ENSACT.

Our members combine the knowledge and expertise of directors and practitioners of residential programs, stakeholders and policy makers, university professors, and researchers in the fields of social pedagogy, social work, youth work, psychology, and education. Working together they enhance their opportunities to influence the quality of child and youth care services around the world. The FICE network allows its members to exchange knowledge, experiences, and good practices, to join forces in project activities, to look for innovative solutions to new challenges, to set higher goals for services, and institute changes for promoting the wellbeing of vulnerable children in out-of-home care. FICE-International’s vision is to create networks across continents to support actions of all those working with children at-risk, children with special needs, and children and young people in out-of-home care. All activities are based on our respect of all children, of all cultures, their interest, and their needs.

The Israeli FICE National Section was established in 1953 by Meir Gottesmann, the leader of Youth Aliyah. It is currently chaired by Professor Emmanuel Grupper, who was recently appointed as co-president of FICE International, together with Rolf Widmer from Switzerland.

One of the main activities of the international organization is the World Congress. The Congress is held every three years, each time in a different country, and is designed to review the work with children at risk, children with special needs, and children and young people in out-of-home care in different countries and to highlight innovative initiatives and ideas originating in our members’ many fields and disciplines. The upcoming FICE international conference will be held in Tel Aviv, Israel, October 29 – November 1, 2019.

FICE – International Congress 2019 - President's Welcoming Message

I would like to welcome all participants in the FICE International 34th World Congress in Tel Aviv, Israel. We, the Israeli members of FICE International, together with a large group of Israeli organizations, all active in the field of education and care of children and young people who need alternative care, are happy and honored to have the opportunity to host you. Many Israeli governmental agencies and civil society organizations will be represented here, and I expect the mutual exchange of knowledge to benefit all of us who face the challenges of the field of education and care of children and young people who need specialized services, both in out-of-home care and in community-based programs.

The theme that was chosen for the congress is relevant to the many societies worldwide that are becoming more and more multicultural. The challenge of our era is to guarantee "Better Future Opportunities for Children and Young People in Multicultural Societies." On the Congress website, which will be operational in December 2019, you will find ongoing updates on the Congress and its contents. We are particularly happy that the European Union member states have selected "children without parental care" as the proposed theme for the 2019 resolution on the Rights of the Child. This would certainly be one of the focuses of our discussions and deliberations during the Congress. Other topics would be refugee youth and unaccompanied minors, education and learning challenges of children and adolescents in care, sexual abuse, aggressive behavior on the net, care leavers, just to name a few of them.

Hoping to see all of you in Tel Aviv in October 2019.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,

Prof. Emmanuel Grupper, Chairman

Call for Papers - Congress Topics:

Better Future Opportunities for Children and Young People in Multicultural Societies

We invite you to submit abstracts for lectures, round tables, workshops, or poster presentations according to the following categories and topics:

  • Out-of-home care (foster care and residential care) for children, youth and young adults

• Standards and quality control in the field of out-of-home care

• Research on out-of-home care and education of children at-risk (for example: quality of life of children and youth in residential-care settings and boarding schools, the students' satisfaction and functioning's mode of the program, relationships with parents of children and youth in residential settings and foster care)

• Educational achievements and advancement among children and youth in out-of-home placements

• Staff training programs and new developments in residential-care settings for children and youth at risk

• Transition from care to adulthood and independent living

• Pedagogical innovations in residential care, residential schools and boarding schools

• New approaches for education and care for children and youth in out-of-home settings

• Original projects –their development and implementation in residential-care settings/ residential schools/boarding schools

• Special populations of children and youth in out-of-home care (for example: cultural minority group children, LGBTQ children and youth, immigrants, refugees, and unaccompanied minors).

• Children's rights in out-of-home care and related legislation

• Maturation and identity development among children and youth in out-of-home care

  • Living in a multicultural society

  • Youth and globalization

  • Migrant and socially excluded youth

  • Counseling and treatment in multicultural societies

The Israeli context for out-of-home placement

  • Youth Aliyah and the youth village model - the special Israeli context for residential child and youth care

  • Legislation and policy developments

Children at risk in the community, for example:

  • Stress and trauma

  • Refugee children and youth

  • Victimization of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and queer) youth and young adults

  • Victims and survivors of family abuse and neglect

Congress Structure:

The congress will include plenary sessions, thematic sessions, round tables, workshops, and posters.

  • Plenary sessions will host lectures by key lecturers.

  • Thematic sessions will focus on specific subjects.

  • Round tables will be designed to encourage a dialogue among conference participants, highlighting common areas of interest in the many countries represented.

  • Workshops will be the platform for presenting specific activities taking place in participants’ work places.

  • Poster sessions.

Presentation formats at the congress:

• Thematic session: Each 90-minute session will include four 20-minute presentation (15-minute presentation + 5 minutes for questions).

• Round tables: These 90-minute sessions focusing on active discussion of a specific subject, aiming to encourage a dialogue between participants from various countries around common interests.

• Workshops: Each workshop will last up to 45 minutes. The workshops allow participants to describe their special activities. The workshops usually include a presentation of a specific therapeutic / research / pedagogical approach by a number of participants, which provides the audience with an introduction to this approach in order to enable them to implement it in the future.

• Poster sessions: These are an opportunity for Congress participants to learn about additional projects, innovative models, and research findings. Time will be allotted during the conference for visitors to explore the posters, discuss them with the exhibitors, or ask questions.

Call for Papers

If you are a professional in the fields of education, social work and social welfare, social pedagogy, social education, psychology, mental health, sociology, anthropology, economics, law, and other disciplines, and wish to present your work, related to children at risk in the community and in out-of-home care, you are invited to submit your abstract to the Scientific Committee .

The abstracts should be submitted in English, in doc, docx, or pdf format in 12-point font to:

The abstracts should be written in English and include the following:

• Title (up to 150 characters)

  • Abstract of the study/project/workshop (up to 200 words): Depending on the selected submission format:

• Presentation of a study: Background, purpose of the study, methodology, main findings and implications

• Presentation of a project within a workshop or as a single lecture: Aim of the project, work principles, implementation, and conclusions

• Roundtable: Topic for the round table, background to topic discussion and main points of the discussion

• Presentation of a poster: Title of research or project to be presented, description of main findings or project essentials.

The abstract submission should also include the following information about the presenter:

• First name and last name of the presenter/s

• Position, academic degree, institutional affiliation

• Email and phone number

• Topic category (from the list of topic categories above)

• Presentation format (oral presentation at a thematic session, round table, workshop, poster presentation)

• The language in which the presentation will be given (English or Hebrew; most of the sessions will be held in English and only a limited number of sessions will be available in Hebrew, without translation)

• A brief (4-5 lines) biography in English should be submitted at the time of submission of the abstract.


• Abstract submission begins – 15 November 2018

• Deadline for abstract submission – 15 February 2019

• Answers will be sent to applicants by 15 April 2019

All presenters must register for the Congress and pay registration fees.

More details about the congress program will be published on the Congress website beginning December 2018.

We look forward to your abstracts and seeing you at the Congress.

If you have any questions, please contact us at:

Or on Facebook:

Wishing all of us a successful, enjoyable, and productive Congress.

Dr. Alex Schneider Shahar Shuman

For the Scientific committee Program coordinator

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