Sapere Aude is a project conceived to demonstrate that, with a reduced and effective investment based on a structured volunteer program of social mentoring, along with the coordinated participation of key stakeholders of residential services and school resources, it is possible to maximize the impact public investment that is already been placed in the field of youth in care and attention, obtaining meaningful and sustainable positive results in improving the educational outcomes of young people effectively and with a sustainable low cost.

Sapere Aude Project partners are delighted to inform you that the Sapere Aude Project Conference will take place on 5th of July 2018 in city of Zagreb (Croatia).
The Conference will be organized by the Sapere Aude Project partners and have the support of the Erasmus + Programme. During the Conference, the results of the Sapere Aude Project will be presented, namely:
A Training Handbook to train mentors in providing support to children and youngsters in care to improve their school results and that will be available for anyone interested free of cost will be presented.
The Sapere Aude Project has implemented pilot mentoring processes in 5 European Countries during a period of 9 months. The results regarding the impact of the mentoring wil be presented in the Conference as well.
Last but not least the conference will provide the opportunity to learn different experiences and approaches from 5 different countries to implement a mentoring initiative.
Organizations interested to start implementing a mentoring initiative will gain interesting insights in this matter. More information regarding the Conference will come soon. Please check the website for updated information in the following weeks!!