Human Rights Council side event, 8.30-10 am, 7 March 2018
Palais des Nations, Geneva, Room VIII, Light breakfast will be provided
As one of the co-organizers of this side event, FICE would like invite you to take part.
Supported by the Permanent Missions of Italy, France and Uruguay, a number of international organisations propose to have a side-event to complement the annual day on the rights of the childfocusing on humanitarian settings.
The side event’s objectives are to use international standards, inparticular the UN Guidelines on alternative care of children to build bridges between the humanitariansector, alternative care workers and others to improve responses in order to:
· Identify main problems children face, challenges in preventing the need for care and providing appropriate care within existing frameworks;
· Promote prevention mechanisms and family re-integration to avoid unnecessary separation;
· Promote “appropriate” protection and care, by planning for family and community based options;
· Promote inclusion of children in planning and implementation of responses, to the extent possible.
The side event seeks to present promising practices from various region as follows:
· Keeping families together in Europe, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, Vlada Sahovic and Bogdan Krasic
· Innovative alternative care responses for older children in Southern Africa, UNHCR
· Building capacities of front-line workers in South Asia, IFRC, Gurvinder Singh, Advisor, Child Protection, Planning, Strategy and Knowledge Department
· Latin America, tbc
For further information and/or to organise temporary badges to enter the Palais des Nations, please contact by 3 March: